No one thought that "Shpoonkle" was going to be a successful idea, but Robert Grant Niznik made it happen. Mr.Niznik is a law student in New York City who decided he want to create a website where lawyers could bid on their clients. The client registers and explains the case in detail so the lawyers can pick and choose which cases work best for them. After the lawyer chooses the client they would prefer to represent, they place a bid on what they beleive the amount of work and hours will cost the client.

"Shpoonkle" is giving lawyers the chance to take on new clients, and giving the clients a chance to see what lawyers have the best rates. This website is helping the American people receive legal advice and pay a reasonable price for it.

I believe that "Shpoonkle" is a great idea to boost opportunities for lawyers who are struggling today. This article shows how people are coming up with new ideas every day to try and create as much work opportunities as possible. People had doubts, but the website is running and getting bids that some people never though would happen. Mr.Niznik has created an EBay for lawyers.

Picture Reference: Saved from Wall Street Journal Website- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703410604576216701123471180.html
Article Reference:
O'CONNELL, VANESSA. "Building eBay for Lawyers - WSJ.com." Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - Wsj.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703410604576216701123471180.html?KEYWORDS=law+school#.

Kelly Leidig
3/28/2011 12:11:50 pm

I thought this was super interesting. I would watch for a few typos at the end. Other than that, I thought you wrote really well about an interesting topic.

Brandon DeJesus
3/28/2011 01:15:41 pm

This is a fascinating idea. I like the whole concept of posting a problem and attorneys who are best suited respond and bid for the job. It is very empowering for the consumer to have this at a click of the mouse.

4/2/2011 10:36:57 pm

Good job Carmella. Just remember to mention the name of the article you are reviewing in the first paragraph. The article was fascinating, by the way.

Ben Hewitt
4/3/2011 11:38:34 am

I think this is a great idea. The cost of hiring a lawyer is astronomical but when they have to compete for your business, it is a win, win situation with the client and the attoryney both getting what they want...assuming they win the case.

Andrea Parsons
4/4/2011 05:56:10 am

I have never heard of this idea before, and its very interesting to me considering the cost of hiring a lawyer. This is a good option for both the client and their attorney.


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